Spelling practice from the California Distance Learning Project


  1. A New Plan For a Safer Dam
  2. BART Strike
  3. Civil Service
  4. County Starts Using Electric Buses
  5. Disc Jockey Threatens Lives
  6. Farmers and the Weather
  7. Farmers Plant Different Crops
  8. Guest Worker Program
  9. Kids' Cafe
  10. Looking for a Job
  11. Man Answers Email
  12. No Strike
  13. Old Ranger
  14. Police Officers Needed
  15. Relief Group Sends Supplies
  16. Roads Being Fixed After Rainy Weather
  17. Sprewell Reinstated
  18. Stolen Identity Blocks New Job
  19. Team Player
  20. Truck Drivers Might Strike
  21. W-4 Form
  22. Workers Protest

Law and Government

  1. A New City
  2. A New Plan For a Safer Dam
  3. Abortion Pill
  4. Amusement Parks
  5. Blind Man Sues Cab Company
  6. Buying and Selling Votes
  7. Californians Worried about Economy
  8. Computer Virus
  9. Council May Purchase Needles
  10. Couple Says They are Guilty
  11. Crisis Nursery
  12. Danger at Car Shows
  13. Defenders of Foster Children Gather at State Capitol
  14. Disc Jockey Threatens Lives
  15. DNA Solves Very Old Murder
  16. Drivers Caught Running Red Lights
  17. Electoral College
  18. Ex-Officer Sentenced to Jail
  19. Executions in California May be Stopped
  20. Freemen Surrender
  21. Girl Dies
  22. Group that Saves Animals Given Phony Donation
  23. Guest Worker Program
  24. Gun Control
  25. Hate Crimes
  26. Home Invasion
  27. Ice Cream Vendors Cannot Sell Toys
  28. Judge Blocks Sale
  29. Judge Decides Part of Pledge is Unconstitutional
  30. Kids In Jail - A New Plan
  31. Law Protects Disabled People
  32. Lawmakers Pass a Drug Bill
  33. Lawmakers Want to Ban Cell Phones
  34. Many People Vote
  35. Marijuana Proposition
  36. Murderer's Movie
  37. Neighbors Fight
  38. New Driving Laws for Teens
  39. Officers May Be Required to Workout
  40. Parents Arrested When Students Skip School
  41. Parents Warned About Technology and Drug Use
  42. Patient Rights
  43. Police Arrest Parents
  44. Police Find Drugs
  45. President Asks People to Conserve Fuel
  46. Red Light Runners
  47. Ruling by the Courts
  48. Sprewell Reinstated
  49. Stolen Identity Blocks New Job
  50. Stop Carjacking
  51. Student on Trial for Changing Grades
  52. Students Sue Over Tuition
  53. Teen Drinking
  54. Teen Suicide
  55. Threatened at School
  56. Tip Leads to Arrest
  57. Trying to Change CPS
  58. TV Programs Effect Jurors
  59. Unity Center
  60. University Students Not Allowed to Drink Alcohol
  61. Voting Machines Go Through More Testing
  62. Wild Horses Killed


  1. Abortion Pill
  2. Alzheimer's Disease
  3. Baby Born at Train Station - Sisters Follow at Hospital
  4. Child Safety Seats
  5. Children From Russia Spend Summers in California
  6. Company Offers Eye Care to Hurricane Victims
  7. Couple Adopts Children
  8. Crime
  9. Crisis Nursery
  10. Defenders of Foster Children Gather at State Capitol
  11. Dogs Help Children Become Better Readers
  12. Domestic Violence
  13. Donor Needed for Baby
  14. Ex-Officer Sentenced to Jail
  15. Family Costs are Increasing
  16. Festival For Families
  17. Fire Safety
  18. Foster Children
  19. Free Food for Kids
  20. Free Gun Locks
  21. Governor Wants Kids to Eat Healthy
  22. Growers Announce New Food Safety
  23. Health Insurance
  24. Healthy Baby
  25. Healthy Families
  26. High Seas
  27. Home Fire
  28. Housing Plan to End Homelessness
  29. Keep Kids Safe
  30. Kid Safety
  31. Kidnapping Alert
  32. Kids In Jail - A New Plan
  33. Letters to Santa Reveal Need
  34. Memorial Bells
  35. Neighbors Fight
  36. New Driving Laws for Teens
  37. Parents Arrested When Students Skip School
  38. Parents Warned About Technology and Drug Use
  39. Patient Rights
  40. Playground Completed Despite Rain
  41. Poison Proof Your Home
  42. Police Arrest Parents
  43. Police Officer Delivers Own Baby
  44. Program Helps Get Word Out About Missing Children
  45. Ruling by the Courts
  46. School Deal
  47. School Nurse
  48. Schools Give Students Tools to Fight Back Against Bullies
  49. Seven Year Old Boy Sets Swimming Record
  50. Smoking Kills
  51. Smoking May be Banned in Cars
  52. Spanking
  53. Teen Drinking
  54. Teen Suicide
  55. Threatened at School
  56. Trying to Change CPS
  57. Video Games
  58. Youth Programs May Be Cut